Tag Archives: new releases

The Shameless Facebook Plug

we have links for them other places as well, but since i just spent a couple hours updating both the noising machine AND beati paoli facebooks, i feel like i should tell everyone to go check ’em out, and if you are a facebook member, PLEASE add us.

the noising machine facebook

the beati paoli facebook

you can find new songs by Wet Chemistry and MOCKINGBIRD, who, if you didn’t know, are the two latest additions to our noising machine family. go listen to them and tell us what you think!

and just so this post isn’t SUPER BORING, here’s a video featuring some psychedelic starlings:



related posts:

Beati Paoli – New Song! While We’re Young

here it is!

this is the last song we needed to upload in order to have EVERY SONG from the new Beati Paoli album, “A Sense Of Urgency”, available online.

While We’re Young (Sing Me Something New):

it’s track 8 on the album, and it’s also streamable on Beati Paoli’s Myspace, Beati Paoli’s Facebook, and The Noising Machine Website.

AND, like all the others, you can add it to your facebook or desktop players through Beati Paoli’s ilike.com profile.

the snocap store doesn’t seem to be working at the moment, so the song hasn’t been uploaded there yet, but DON’T WORRY, we’ll upload it as soon as we can.

and in other, possibly more important, news…

Beati Paoli cd release shows! the line ups are amazing. great bands. friday, september 5th @ the vaudeville mews!

adam robert haug
poison control center

maxilla blue
ross moffat

brent houzenga did the art for the flyer. check him out.



Beati Paoli: new song: “MAGGIE”: listen to it.

i just uploaded ANOTHER new song from Beati Paoli’s upcoming release, “A Sense Of Urgency”. (this full length album will be available on SEPTEMBER 5TH. there will be two KILLER shows that day at the vaudeville mews. come hang out.) after this, there will only be one more song to upload before you can hear every song from the album FOR FREE online.

this song is called “MAGGIE:

you can also add it to your facebook or desktop players through Beati Paoli’s ilike.com profile AND download it from the snocap store on Beati Paoli’s myspace page.

and you can stream it from Beati Paoli’s facebook page OR thenoisingmachine.com.

hope you enjoy it!


Beati Paoli: LOVELY TO SOMEONE now posted!!!

Beati Paoli has just uploaded ANOTHER song off of the upcoming full length, “A Sense Of Urgency” (release september 5th).

this is track #4. it was once said of this song; “it made me feel like I was trapped in a blizzard.”

Lovely To Someone

you can also stream this song on thenoisingmachine.com and Beati Paoli’s facebook page.

or you can add it to your facebook page or desktop players through Beati Paoli’s ilike.com profile.

or you can buy it before the cd comes out on the snocap store on Beati Paoli’s myspace page.

hope you enjoy it!!


Beati Paoli: IF THE MOOD SHOULD STRIKE uploaded

Beati Paoli has just uploaded ANOTHER song off of the upcoming full length, “A Sense Of Urgency” (release september 5th).

this is the closing track. number 10.

If The Mood Should Strike…

you can also stream this song on thenoisingmachine.com and Beati Paoli’s facebook page.

or you can add it to your facebook page or desktop players through Beati Paoli’s ilike.com profile.

or you can buy it before the cd comes out on the snocap store on Beati Paoli’s myspace page.

hope you enjoy it!!



Gainesville music – LOLOLOL

Check out this hilarious article:

Hee hee hee hee! If you don’t want to read it, it’s all about how irrelevant (and bad) ska band Less Than Jake are releasing an album that’s all about Gainesville, their hometown. Tee hee! The article is full of public officials expressing their glee and sharing their uninformed opinion that a “big spotlight” will be on Gainesville the next few weeks. LOLOLOL A big spotlight courtesy of Less Than Jake?! Guffaw!

Yes, Less Than Jake are from Gainesville and people around here act like they’re hot shit, for some reason. When they occasionally play in town, assholes are like, “Oh, I’m going to the Less Than Jake show!” Remember shitty rock group Sister Hazel? I do, unfortunately. Same deal. From Gainesville, people here still like them.

Also, that piece of shit Tom Petty is from here. Unfortunately, he is genuinely famous but he’s probably even worse than the aforementioned bands. The moral of the story is: there are shitty bands in Gainesville and they get signed.
