Tag Archives: kansas

Bacon Explosion, etc.


The New York Times posted an article about the recipe for Bacon Explosion, which has 5,000 calories and 500 grams of fat.  See above.


Since I’ve mentioned one ridiculous food, I might as well mention Doner Kebabs, which have disgusting amounts of fat, saturated fat and salt.  Also, according to the BBC article, 33% of doner kebabs are mismarked for the type of meat they contain.

– ninjagarden

The Urgency Tour, Days 4/5/6



DAY OFF (9/9/2008)

Today was a day off, and the Vertical Violet folks were nice enough to let us stay with them in Wichita. Waffles were waiting for us in the morning. These people are awesome. Breck, the dad, showed us his awesome record collection and told us how The Smiths got him into industrial (?). Spent most of the afternoon playing Risk….my first game ever. I was eliminating third out of five players, which apparently is decent. George and Cecil got into a pissing contest (not, unfortunately, literally) over the game; George took him, and everyone else, out. After a delicious chili dinner (during which we quizzed Freya the Fairy on various aspects of fairy life) , we spent the rest of the night hanging out, playing Boggle and Aladdin for the Genesis with Freya the Fairy, and petting kitties in the backyard. It’s disgraceful, the hedonism we get up to….



The Soundpony (9/10/2008)

Left the VV house, after another great breakfast. We would miss this place, even more so after tonight. We made our way over to Tulsa. I finished Xavier, Season 1. Tulsa reminded me of Des Moines. We ate at an amazing Chinese Thai restaurant Mandy found online called Be Le. All sorts of yummy fake meats. The show was at the bar called Soundpony, which was decorated with various cycling paraphanelia. Free hot dogs and High Life (no veggie dogs, booo….). A lady opened for us, just her and her box full of pedals. Pretty good, I bought her CD for $5. Then we played. During the first song, my eyes were closed. When I opened them, the bar was 97 % cleared out. Oops! We proceeded to play the entirety of our album to the bartender and two middle-aged drunks taking pictures of themselves. Admittedly, it was not a good room for live rock music: all concrete, leading to a very bright, loud sound. We sounded really good, at least. Annoyed, we decided to head on after the show to Springfield, MO. During the drive, we came across a strange building in the middle of nowhere that flashed psychedelic colors. Cecil wanted to stop and sleep there. I said that there was no way we could get in, but that we could go back and sleep by it if he really, really wanted to BUT if he didn’t go now, he couldn’t complain about it later. He said we could keep going. He complained about it later.


The album.



Outland Ballroom, 9/11/2008)

Rolled into Springfield around 4 A.M. Pulled into a church parking lot and uncomfortably went to sleep. Was awoken a few hours later by the flashing lights of two police cars parked behind us. We were afraid we’d get towed or treated to some “southern hospitality”, but they soon left. Went back to unrestful sleep. Woke up soon after, and wandered around downtown. Went to a coffeeshop. Wandered some more. BORED. Found a nearby cave that you are driven around in, but it cost $20 +. WTF. Found local art museum (which was free) instead. It was ok. Spent several hours at 1984, an awesome arcade with games from the late 70s through early 90s. Really, really fun. Scott set a new Burger Time record. I dedicated a song to it that night. I played Golden Axe, P.O.W. and Space Invaders, mostly. Scott gave the free pass he won for getting the high score to our waitress as part of her tip. The first two bands who played with us, New Madrid and The Verbs, were good and had a crowd. We, of course, cleared the room but of a few people. Do I sense a theme? Andrew from New Madrid let us crash at his place. Really cool guy. We were incredibly sleepy though, and could offer only mumbling in reply.


don’t remember.




The Urgency Tour: Day 3

Day 3

Wichita, KS

The Vertical Violet

Awoke to the sound of traffic zooming by just a few feet from my head for my second morning in Omaha. Yes, I have become the new Uciel of the band. I had been spending the nights in the van due to the overabundance of cats in Hotel Frank. They were very cute, but they make me sneeze aplenty.

After everyone doing their usual morning activities, we headed out for Wichita around one. The five hours drive was relatively uneventful, though it is worth noting before I took over the second half of the drive, Kerry Wood was seven innings deep into a no-hitter against the Seattle Mariners in the final game of the World Series on Triple Play 2000 for the N64. Sadly, I had to turn off the system and the game was lost.

As we pulled up to the Vertical Violet, we were greeted by a bearded gentlemen whom introduced himself as Brack (or Breck or Brock). He quickly ushered us into the house as dinner was ready. We were met with all sorts of vegetarian/vegan friendly pizza/pasta/snacks. If only every venue/house was like this, the world would be a much better place!

After getting a tour of the house and finishing dinner, kids of all ages trickled into the house and the show began. The first band was The Fall of the Empire which kind of reminded me of Brian Eno at certain points. They also had a Sanrio guitar and bass. They were pretty cool. Next was Hot Air Balloon Trauma. They were pretty cool too. As cecil said, “This is stuff that people in their 20’s should be doing…not 17 or 16 year olds.” The third band was Ghosts of Monkshood. They sort of reminded me of Of Montreal-type 70’s slightly jam rock. But in a good way.

We were the last band to play. I wish we could just play nothing but house shows. They usually seem to be better shows. A lot more fun. Really nice people. All-in-all it was a solid show. A nice variety of stuff.

Afterwards we chatted with Fall of the Empire about caves and debated whether Iowa or Kansas was more American. Greg and I thought Kansas was while they thought Iowa was.

I’m not sure what the setlist was, you’ll have to ask Greg.



Good show, and like Ryan said to me last night, all of the bands and the bill were nice, varied and good. The backyard of the house is home to numerous semi-wild cats, chickens and a pot-bellied pig, and has a playhouse and half-pipe. And the daughter of the family is a fairy. Like, with wings and pointy ears. Seriously.









list of songs deemed inappropriate by clear channel following 9/11

oh man! i had forgotten all about this list! micah refreshed my memory earlier today.

check it out: “list of songs deemed inappropriate by clear channel following the septermber 11, 2001 attacks”

it’s so good. clear channel is cool. i cannot wait till they finally take over ALL the world’s airwaves!

some of my favorites:

safe in new york city

we gotta get out of this place

burnin’ for you

in the air tonight

bits and pieces

crash into me

learn to fly

great balls of fire

devil with a blue dress on






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