Tag Archives: golden axe

National Game Registry 1992: Golden Axe – The Revenge of Death Adder

original platform

The dastardly Death Adder is back and barbarian adventurers must murder him once more, this time in 32 bits!

Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder was inducted on October 21st, 2009.

Return to the National Game Registry to view more inductees.

National Game Registry 1989: Golden Axe

original platform
key personnel
Makoto Uchida (design)
Tohru Nakabayashi (music)

SEGA had the brilliant idea of placing brawling shenanigans in a swords ‘n sorcery setting.  Voila!

Golden Axe was inducted on August 23rd, 2009.

Return to the National Game Registry to view more inductees.

SEGA’s strange habit of building up a franchise, forgetting about it, and then revisiting it when it’s too late

SEGA has done many, many things that have baffled the gaming world over the years. For example, most of the company’s systems (SG-1000, SEGA CD, 32X, Saturn) were only on the market for a few years and were poorly supported with software. In recent years the company has developed a penchant for rushing unfinished games out the door, placing the emphasis on cash flow and not quality or long-term customer satisfaction.

However, the strange SEGA behavior that baffles me most is their strange habit of establishing a franchise, forgetting about it, and then revisiting it when it’s too late. The examples are ABUNDANT.

alex kidd art
– this guy was once SEGA’s mascot, starring in several games on Master System and one on Genesis. Then Sonic emerged and SEGA forgot all about Mr. Kidd, even though he was SEGA’s highest seller in the Master System days. To date, Alex Kidd has actually not been resurrected.

wonder boy art
– another name brand series from the olden days. Wonder Boy/Monster World was never megapopular but it was a consistent seller with 6 total games available between SG-1000, Master System, Genesis and the arcade. The series died in 1994, never to return.

toe jam and earl art
– a very popular and beloved series with 2 installments on the Genesis and then nothing until the Xbox. I don’t get it – didn’t they think Saturn or Deamcast sales would have benefited from an installment?

streets of rage art
– I really don’t understand this one. If vgchartz.com is to be believed, there were only about a dozen million-sellers on the Genesis. Of those, only six were published by SEGA and only one of those wasn’t a Sonic game. That game was the original ‘Streets of Rage’. It was followed by a couple of sequels and ports to the other SEGA systems and then the series was allowed to die.

golden axe art
– The original was a really big arcade hit and also popular on the Genesis. There was an arcade-specific sequel and 2 Genesis-exclusive sequels, plus Zelda-ish spin-offs on Master System and Game Gear plus a Street Fighter-like spin-off on Saturn. And then one of SEGA’s most recognizable franchises was allowed to die, only to be brought back in an extremely subdued manner several years later with a completely ignored Game Boy Advance game. This year, finally SEGA tried to bring the series back in style with a new next gen installment, but everyone hated it.

ecco the dolphin art
– Ecco was one of the most famous Genesis series but old SEGA seemed to have forgotten about it during the Saturn years. Seriously, did they just forget about everything in the Saturn years? A new installment was released for Dreamcast, which was actually semi-well received. Then SEGA put the series to rest and Ecco developer Appaloosa went on to make a Jaws game!

sonic the hedgehog art
– Yes! I said Sonic! Once again, because of the Saturn era. SEGA REALLY decided to limit the Saturn’s chances by failing to provide an original game in the main Sonic series. Instead, Saturn received an upgrade of the Genesis title ‘Sonic 3D Blast’, a racing game called ‘Sonic R’ (which I must confess to liking), and a collection of the old Genesis titles which featured a hubworld that featured a fully 3D Sonic and environment that felt like a miniature, Sonic themed, version of ‘Super Mario 64’. In other words SEGA said, “Well, we basically started a new Sonic game but we quit. Here’s a compilation of old games.”

panzer dragoon art
– A popular series on the Saturn (by Saturn standards), SEGA didn’t manage to bother releasing an installment for Dreamcast.

There are probably many more examples that I’m forgetting. The moral of the story is that SEGA just didn’t seem to get it. Strictly from a business standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to establish a popular series and then forget about it when you release a new console. Really, any new console is vulnerable, which is why Nintendo attempts to stack so many of their big franchises in the first year and a half or so of a console’s release. Some of the series on this list probably couldn’t have helped the Saturn but imagine if SEGA had released a first-year lineup that included Sonic, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Toejam & Earl, and Ecco? It wouldn’t have guaranteed success but it sure would have helped.


related posts:

The Urgency Tour, Days 4/5/6



DAY OFF (9/9/2008)

Today was a day off, and the Vertical Violet folks were nice enough to let us stay with them in Wichita. Waffles were waiting for us in the morning. These people are awesome. Breck, the dad, showed us his awesome record collection and told us how The Smiths got him into industrial (?). Spent most of the afternoon playing Risk….my first game ever. I was eliminating third out of five players, which apparently is decent. George and Cecil got into a pissing contest (not, unfortunately, literally) over the game; George took him, and everyone else, out. After a delicious chili dinner (during which we quizzed Freya the Fairy on various aspects of fairy life) , we spent the rest of the night hanging out, playing Boggle and Aladdin for the Genesis with Freya the Fairy, and petting kitties in the backyard. It’s disgraceful, the hedonism we get up to….



The Soundpony (9/10/2008)

Left the VV house, after another great breakfast. We would miss this place, even more so after tonight. We made our way over to Tulsa. I finished Xavier, Season 1. Tulsa reminded me of Des Moines. We ate at an amazing Chinese Thai restaurant Mandy found online called Be Le. All sorts of yummy fake meats. The show was at the bar called Soundpony, which was decorated with various cycling paraphanelia. Free hot dogs and High Life (no veggie dogs, booo….). A lady opened for us, just her and her box full of pedals. Pretty good, I bought her CD for $5. Then we played. During the first song, my eyes were closed. When I opened them, the bar was 97 % cleared out. Oops! We proceeded to play the entirety of our album to the bartender and two middle-aged drunks taking pictures of themselves. Admittedly, it was not a good room for live rock music: all concrete, leading to a very bright, loud sound. We sounded really good, at least. Annoyed, we decided to head on after the show to Springfield, MO. During the drive, we came across a strange building in the middle of nowhere that flashed psychedelic colors. Cecil wanted to stop and sleep there. I said that there was no way we could get in, but that we could go back and sleep by it if he really, really wanted to BUT if he didn’t go now, he couldn’t complain about it later. He said we could keep going. He complained about it later.


The album.



Outland Ballroom, 9/11/2008)

Rolled into Springfield around 4 A.M. Pulled into a church parking lot and uncomfortably went to sleep. Was awoken a few hours later by the flashing lights of two police cars parked behind us. We were afraid we’d get towed or treated to some “southern hospitality”, but they soon left. Went back to unrestful sleep. Woke up soon after, and wandered around downtown. Went to a coffeeshop. Wandered some more. BORED. Found a nearby cave that you are driven around in, but it cost $20 +. WTF. Found local art museum (which was free) instead. It was ok. Spent several hours at 1984, an awesome arcade with games from the late 70s through early 90s. Really, really fun. Scott set a new Burger Time record. I dedicated a song to it that night. I played Golden Axe, P.O.W. and Space Invaders, mostly. Scott gave the free pass he won for getting the high score to our waitress as part of her tip. The first two bands who played with us, New Madrid and The Verbs, were good and had a crowd. We, of course, cleared the room but of a few people. Do I sense a theme? Andrew from New Madrid let us crash at his place. Really cool guy. We were incredibly sleepy though, and could offer only mumbling in reply.


don’t remember.


