The Skeletons of Cartoon Characters

i had come across these a long time ago and had forgotten about them. they came up again on tour for some reason, and i figured i’d post ’em up here. i really love these, and natalie should use them for her anatomy project. *nudge nudge*


“Animatus” by Hyungkoo Lee

bugs bunny skeleton
Bugs Bunny

bugs bunny skeleton
Bugs Bunny

bugs bunny skeleton
Bugs Bunny

donald duck huey dewey and louie skeletons
Donald Duck and the nephews

donald duck huey dewey and louie skeletons
Donald Duck

donald duck huey dewey and louie skeletons
Huey, Dewey, Louie

wile e coyote roadrunner skeleton
Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner

wile e. coyote skeleton
Wile E. Coyote

the roadrunner skeleton
The Roadrunner

the roadrunner skeleton
The Roadrunner

Character Studies by Michael Paulus:

hello kitty skeleton
Hello Kitty

hello kitty skeleton
Hello Kitty

charlie brown skeleton
Charlie Brown

fred flintstone skeleton
Fred Flintstone

pikachu skeleton

shmoo skeleton

betty boop skeleton
Betty Boop

bubbles power puff girls skeleton



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6 responses to “The Skeletons of Cartoon Characters

  1. в конце концов: благодарю!

  2. Pingback: Donald Duck Nervous Breakdown Averted « The Hawley Blog

  3. DONALD’S NEPHEWS (Kurzbesuch bei Onkel Donald)
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    DONALD’S GOLF GAME (Donald spielt Golf)
    THE HOCKEY CHAMP (Der Eishockey-Champion)
    SEA SCOUTS (Donald auf grosser Fahrt)
    MR. DUCK STEPS OUT (Das Tänzchen mit Daisy)
    FIRE CHIEF (Feueralarm!)
    THE NIFTY NINETIES (Die schmucken Neunziger)
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    DONALD DUCK AND THE GORILLA (Donald und der Gorilla)
    DONALD’S OFF DAY (Donalds freier Tag)
    DONALD’S CRIME (Donalds Verbrechen)
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    SOUP’S ON (Donald bittet zu Tisch)

    PUEBLO PLUTO (Vorsicht, Kaktus!)
    DONALD’S HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Donalds Geburtstag)
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    LUCKY NUMBER (Donald im Glück)
    TRICK OR TREAT (Donald, Geister und Gespenster)
    DON’S FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH (Donalds Jungbrunnen)
    CANVAS BACK DUCK (Donald auf dem Rummelplatz)
    SPARE THE ROD (Erziehung leicht gemacht)
    DONALD’S DIARY (Donalds Tagebuch)

  4. Bubbles skeleton is kinda disgusting.

    The eyes…

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