Tag Archives: nickel

Water Bottles: Part II

First, to answer Scott’s question to my previous post, I’d like to note that to determine if a product has the possibly cancer-causing BPA chemical, all you need to do is look for a number 7 on the bottom of the container (Ask Allison).  It’s pretty safe to assume that most hard, “unbreakable” plastics might contain BPA. 

But going back to the other two serious contenders: aluminum and stainless steel. 

Aluminum: Compared to the amount of research on BPA, there is nothing on aluminum.  It seems there are some raised eyebrows regarding aluminum’s safety, but nothing that warrants the vast majority of population to become worrysome.  So, that doesn’t expecially mean aluminum is okay; it probably means that in the future further research will be done and aluminum will be the new BPA. 

Example: Sigg

Stainless Steel:  This is the least controversial material used for water bottles.  Many items, such as medical instruments, kitchenware and jewelry are made out of stainless steel.  The main reason why I will not be using a stainless steel water bottle is because they contain nickel, and like the 10% of the population, I am allergic (Klean Kanteen). 

Example: Klean Kanteen

Conclusion:  Currently, I am using an empty glass bottle as my water bottle.  Glass poses the least or no health risks, but is impractical to carry around on a day-to-day basis.  I will probably, eventually purchase a Sigg, but they’re extremely popular and difficult to find because I hear Oprah likes them.  I wish Oprah liked me too.  :)
